“They thought it was a bird initially,” Sister Kitten Animal Rescue executive director Eric Phelps told The Dodo. “But [they] kept listening and realized it was a kitten screaming and went to find the source.”
The group, which included Tanner Bornemann and sisters Lauren and Savannah Willingham, scoured the area and eventually locked eyes with a terrified kitten trapped at the bottom of an open cement pipe.

Thinking quickly, the friends wrapped a bit of chicken in a thin scarf and lowered it into the pipe. Seizing his opportunity, the kitten eagerly grabbed on, and the friends pulled him out of the hole.

By the time Phelps arrived to provide further aid, the kitten was already safely resting in his rescuer’s arms.
“I was thrilled!” Phelps said.

Soon, the kitten had a new name, Luigi, and a new home where he could recuperate and relax.
“Luigi is doing great!” Phelps said. “He had a huge appetite after getting rescued from the pipe. He’s unusually sweet and friendly.”

Phelps knows that Luigi, with his charming personality and winning looks, will find his permanent family in no time.
“He’s ridiculously handsome,” Phelps said.